Completely Clean Housekeeping Range
$90.57$78.76 +gst Case
Completely Clean Dishwash Powder X 200 - $78.76
Completely Clean Dishwash Liquid X 500 - $92.01
Completely Clean Liquid Laundry 10ml X 250 - $121.22
Completely Clean Laundry Powder 25g X200 - $96.30
Designed specifically for the accommodation market, Completely Clean portion control detergent sachets are manufactured from the very latest in scientifically developed formulations, with an emphasis on protecting the environment. Completely Clean is the complete solution to your guests self-cleaning requirements with a dishwashing powder, dishwash liquid, laundry powder and laundry liquid in the range. These ultra-concentrated, biodegradable formulations are made using only the very best ingredients. For example we use natural, not synthetic soda ash because not only does it do a better job, it’s also far more sustainable. There are no petrochemical by-products and no phosphates in our detergent powders.
Completely Clean products are made to do a great job cleaning up with the lowest environmental impact possible, and to be cost effective.