Moerman 2.0 Tool Holder

Moerman 2.0 Tool Holder

$91.94$79.95 +gst Each
Moerman 2.0 Tool Holder - $79.95
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I have multiple compartments to hold all your gear and keeping you comfortable when on the go. I required a lot of inventiveness from the design team to make a striking impression with a more robust look and to create a spacious interior for stowing various Moerman tool combinations. The curved back allows the Tool Holder 2.0 to move with you when cleaning demanding windows. It will be my privilege to serve you. Try me: I am the perfect window cleaner’s fit.


- All standard handles and channels
- Excelerator with Liquidator upto 45 cm / 18"
- Excelerator 2.0 with Liquidator and F*LIQ
- T-bar with sleeves upto 45 cm / 18"
- Pocket scraper